Late June
I have had the lovely opportunity to turn a space into my own private studio.
We rent from the owners but we have been here so long that I just asked my hubs to speak to them about giving us their sunroom, which is on our floor anyway. They have been using it as a storage, us too but just seemed like a waste.
But they agreed!
They started cleaning out almost immediately and I began to deep clean.
These photos are from day one. That's my bike, I just put in because of rain. As you can see, it is used as storage but I was inquiring to move their tables and huge sofa. The last photo is me just throwing out the furniture myself 😅
They were very old furni, being thick and with heavy springs. But this weekend they also removed the largest piece! Here are photos from today!
The window facing the sun has a huge rose tree in front of it. In addition, you can see that all around is more or less engulfed in overgrown foliage and I don't mind at all.
Also you see those brownish double-doors? They lead into our flat, barricaded by bookshelves in our living room. Oh how I wish to open them but husband says no (Little Britain voice). They look really nice. Old but nice :)
Specifically didn't take photos of the storage area because that will soon be fixed. But definitely more space and progress. This area has not been used for decades and so happy to breath new life in it. So what if we don't own and just rent.. It is still nice to put time and attention with what you have, even if just temporary.
I will not take this space with me when I pass 🤷♀️😅
So whilst I'm here, as Bahamians say 'make due'!
All I need now is a drawing table. I had a very nice one given to me from a celebrity's home from the Lyford Cay area in Bahamas. Typically where all the celebs live if in Nassau specifically. I was too young at the time to care who that celebrity was but would've been funny to know whose it was :p
Here is a photo of it with my late shadow.
I miss this little guy. Best dog I've ever had. In memory of Sir Niko Dorito, the 3toed Bahamian Shiba 🐶😅
Early July
But as my usual, I found a beautiful, absolutely stunning antique desk on a local Norwegian second-hand marketplace. I fell in love and I had to get it. It was a bidding situation so I actually watched it for a while. Noticed it was still for sale and with no means of even collecting it.. I placed my bid, 100$. And won it instantly. To top it all off, the nice couple offered to bring it to me and I cannot be more grateful. I mean look at this beauty!
I am so happy and cannot wait to add some greenery to the studio. I need to fix the floor and a bit more cleaning but I believe this journey is going well so far.
Unlike many others this summer, flying south for the holidays. Or even home in my case, I am thankful to have this as a project until I am able to do so. And even more thankful that I have my daughter along my side.
We took a little hike in the rain to have a quick picnic yesterday :)
I have been missing home a lot and even more so my family. But it is a comfort to know they have each other. I will always have them but my art is a nice distraction when I cannot simply just pop to someone's house for a visit :(
I digress again.
July 20th update
Nothing much has happened in the studio yet. It has been a busy couple days with my new working schedule. I have been moving some of my chaotic art things in the studio however and it is so exciting and soothing all at once.
(This ones a slideshow :D )
Mid August, after birthday :)
For a gift to myself I got a rokokko style chair for a veryyy fair price and this stunning chandlier for free 😊
Up next is the floor!
And my husband came home the next day (after birthday) and started fixing the floors 🥺🥺❤️ he also got the paneling for free! ♻️
Looking forward to posting more updates about the studio!
Warmest regards!